Vote for Susan Huffman

Republican State Committeewoman

Susan's Promise to 1st Middlesex and Norfolk Republicans


The most important role a State Committee member has is to ensure that party leadership listens to the rank and file Republicans. To ensure this happens, a State Committeewoman must be willing to ask tough questions, find solutions to problems, and work cooperatively with other party leadership, setting an agenda that will increase enrollment, elect Republicans, and help Republican office holders to pass legislation or otherwise perform their roles as public officials.

State Committee members also are obliged to provide oversight over the Party's leadership. It's up to the State Committee to set policy and see that the Chair and staff carry out that policy. Nowhere is this more important than when it comes to the distribution of time, talent and treasure. All candidates who are willing to put their names on a ballot as Republicans deserve the Party's attention. The long-entrenched policy of only directing funds for certain high profile races has led to the decline of the GOP in Massachusetts. It's up to the State Committee to change this policy and elect party leadership that will enforce the will of the State Committee.


In order to serve the party, you have to know the people and know their concerns. As your State Committeewoman, Susan will always be available and will return your emails and phone calls. “Why run for office,” Susan says, “unless you intend to listen to the people and help address their concerns.” Moreover, as State Committeewoman, Susan will attend as many Ward, Town and City Committee meetings in this district as possible. In addition, she will organize district-wide meetings, bringing together the leaders from Brookline, Newton and Wellesley so they can work together to make the party stronger.


“In order to be a State Committeewoman and do the job right” says Susan “she must focus on what's best for the party and the district she represents.” Susan is committed to remaining objective. She will thoroughly research every issue before she votes.