Vote for Susan Huffman

Republican State Committeewoman


Dear Friend:

I am running for State Committeewoman because I want to end one-party rule in Massachusetts. Republican registration in Massachusetts is far too low, reflecting that what we have been doing in the past is simply not working. We need new strategies and bold new ideas to bring our party back to the status it once enjoyed. We need to energize our base, and work to win elections at every level, from School Committee to Governor. All good Republican candidates at all levels deserve consideration for the financial support of the Party.

I am running because it's not enough to complain about a situation. There comes a time when one has to step up to the plate and offer to do something about it.

As State Committeewoman my mission will be to reenergize the State GOP. I have a long-term plan to organize a concerted effort that will end one party rule in Massachusetts. This plan starts by standing and fighting for the conservative values and principles that the Republican Party has been historically known for. Among these are God, Country, and our Free Market System, which affords every person the opportunity and freedom to follow his or her own road to success. While we all recognize that any political party has wide range of divergent opinions, we also know that for a party to survive it can't abandon its core beliefs. That's why our job as Republicans is to fight for our principles in the arena of ideas. If we are true to ourselves, we will prevail in this effort because conservative proposals and values have proven time and time again to be better and work better.

The members of the State Committee have two responsibilities of their office. One is to find, recruit, and support Republican candidates for elected offices from Governor all the way to city and town offices. The other half of the job is to help coordinate fundraising for these candidates.

If you are a registered Republican or an Unenrolled (independent) voter, ask for a Republican ballot on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, to vote for Susan Huffman for State Committeewoman.