Vote for Susan Huffman

Republican State Committeewoman

Meet Susan

Family Background:

Susan’s family moved from Illinois to Houston, Texas when she was 10 years old. She attended school there and went on to work in Texas until 1986, when she moved to Maine to care for her older sister, who had been in a catastrophic automobile accident. In 1988, after her sister moved back to Texas, Susan met Jan Huffman and moved to her Indiana Terrace home in Newton, where they married. Four children from their combined family attended Newton Public Schools. Hallie holds a master’s degree in speech therapy from Emerson College and works for the Lexington school department, Heath graduated from Bentley College and works full time for the New Hampshire National Guard, Amanda holds a law degree from Suffolk University and is a court clerk at the Woburn district court. Rachel is currently pursuing a criminal justice degree while mother to five children. In addition to four children and four children’s spouses, Susan and Jan have fourteen grandchildren.

Work Experience:

Susan worked as a business manager for Policy Analysis Inc., a health economics consulting firm in Brookline Village for 35 years. In this role, she was trusted with sensitive information and fiscal responsibility. She retired to focus on strengthening the Republican Party of Massachusetts.